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Tuition Policy

Our goal is to make payment as simple as possible. Using a tuition system means that our families are able to plan ahead knowing what their invoice amount will be every month.

We have created our monthly tuition prices based on the average number of lessons a family takes over the course of a year. These prices include some cancelled lessons and holidays. 


  • Tuition is pre-paid as a flat rate at the beginning of every month. Current rates (per month) are available on each teacher’s bio page, and listed lesson lengths are weekly (i.e. $350 per month for weekly 60 minute lessons).
  • Some teachers’ rates change based on student location, but this will be noted on their bio page.
  • A 10% discount will be applied for families with more than one student taking back to back in-person lessons.
  • Families currently taking lessons who refer clients to us get a $50 referral bonus!


  • Materials identified as necessary by your teacher will be added to your tuition payments. These may include record books, lesson books, reeds, etc. Materials are ordered in a timely manner to ensure smooth progression and are charged at cost.


  • We have calculated the average number of lessons a family takes in the course of a year, and factored in some cancelled lessons. This means that cancelled lessons will not be refunded.
  • If your child is too sick to be at school on a music lesson day, we ask that you cancel the lesson out of respect for the health of your teacher and their other students.


  • Our promise to you is that our teachers work hard to limit their cancellations and will do their best to reschedule lessons that they do cancel at a mutually convenient time.
  • If a canceled lesson is not made up by the teacher, a tuition credit will be applied to future tuition payments. If you do not have a tuition payment scheduled for the near future, a refund may be provided upon request (this applies for teacher cancellations only).


Holidays are built-in days off for you and your teacher, and are listed below. Tuition does not change during months that include an official school holiday, and there are no credits or refunds for these days. When calculating your tuition rates, these dates were taken into account. 

  • Labor Day Weekend
  • Thanksgiving: Thursday and Friday
  • Winter Break: December 24th through January 1st
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • 4th of July


  • In the event of extreme/inclement weather, teachers may need to cancel lessons in order to stay safe. If your teacher cancels a lesson due to extreme weather, your teacher will be required to make up the lesson. If you are not able to find a mutually convenient time to schedule the make-up lesson by the end of the semester, you will receive a credit for that lesson. 


  • We understand that during the summer, exciting vacations are planned, summer camps and visitors from out of town make for a memorable July and August! We also understand that our teachers need to maintain a steady flow of students through the summer to meet their own financial obligations. As such we offer our Summer Lesson Policy with an alternative system to our regular tuition policy for the months of July and August.


  • You may discontinue lessons at any time by submitting a withdrawal form (see above) to the school by the 21st of that month to avoid being charged for the full month. Lessons in the last month will be pro-rated at the individual lesson rate.


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